
Dr Janusz Salamon - Academic Director of the PPE at Charles University

Message from the PPE Director

As an Oxford graduate and the founding director of the PPE at Charles University, I am responsible for keeping our degree programme close in spirit and letter to the original Oxford PPE, which in 2020 marked its 100th anniversary. The prescription for a successful Oxford-style PPE has always been simple: (i) Accepting talented students, (ii) Offering a wide range of course opportunities in all three PPE areas, (iii) Encouraging independence in the choice of specialization with the future profession in mind. At Prague PPE, we imitate the Oxford-style ‘salad bowl’ approach to PPE education, and instead of serving everyone the same ‘soup,’ we ask students to put together their own menu of elective courses (ca. 40% of all classes), mindful that they aspire to diverse careers: as diplomats, politicians, civil servants in the national and international institutions, business executives, global markets analysts, journalists, academics, NGO and human rights activists, and (all of them) millionaires. For this reason, we expect that, at the end of the first year of study, all our students will be clear whether their hearts and minds are primarily in economics and international business or rather in politics and international relations (or they discovered a calling to the more rarified career of a philosopher-king). A broad intellectual horizon provided by the mandatory courses in politics, philosophy, and economics, combined with a specialized focus on the area of study to which students choose to devote their BA Thesis, is what we hope to equip all our graduates with before sending them to Master’s programmes at the world’s most prestigious universities (see the Alumni section). What is unique about Prague PPE is its global character. More than 90% of our students come from abroad, with ca. 35% coming from Europe, 20% from the Americas, 20% from Asia, 20% from North Africa and the Near East, and 5% from Subsaharan Africa and Australasia. We treat this global makeup of our student body as a tremendous educational opportunity, bringing the transnational and cross-cultural perspective to our study of politics, philosophy, and economics. Prague PPE is The Global PPE. We educate versatile leaders for the Global Age. Become one of them! Join us!

  • No glass ceiling

    Motto of PPE Prague

Oxford university

University of london

Jagiellonian university